Future proofing

Future proofing organisations
and communities
The double-helix of a current culture shift

webinar program
5, 12, 19, 26 March, 2024

How can organisations, communities, and their teams and groups prepare for a more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous future?

How can you help your colleagues thrive in the 21st century's volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity?  And in ways that are more joyful and productive?

This is a program for people -- with or without formal authority -- who wish to help teams, organisations and communities to prepare for a less-predictable future.

The future doesn't exist until it becomes the present.  When it does arrive, increasingly it isn't what was expected.  Conventional ways of responding, in thought and action, may not fit.

Why are some teams slow to adapt?  Because conventional ways of thinking about social systems and their structure hide better options from us.  We need approaches that better equip us to cope with future uncertainty and change.  They require a shift in both thinking and acting, together.  Think of it as a double helix of cultural transition.


People who recognise that the world is changing, and wish to adopt ways better suited to what is emerging.  People who wish to improve their own and their team's or group's ability to respond to the unexpected with resilience and responsiveness.  And people who wish to help other leaders and colleagues to do so:

  • colleagues in community groups  
  • executives and community leaders  
  • team leaders at all levels of an organisation  
  • people who wish to provide leadership without formal authority  
  • team members, especially in shared-leadership teams
  • people in the 'people and culture' function of an organisation  
  • people in the 'organisation development' function of an organisation  
  • people in the 'learning and development' function of an organisation  
  • facilitators, consultants and change agents  
  • educators in any setting  
  • coaches and mentors  
  • anyone who wishes to understand and prepare for dealing more effectively with complex situations and problems.  

...  people whose work or interests include helping teams and groups perform more effectively and enjoyably in turbulent times, and would like to become even more effective at it.

When is it?

March 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2024; 6:30-8:30 pm Brisbane time, using the Zoom virtual platform.


From the convenience and comfort of your own workplace, office or home.


Skills, concepts, processes and techniques for facilitative and collaborative thinking and action in uncertain times.  There will be particular attention given to understanding the cultural transition now taking place, and the changes in thinking and action that it requires.

Specific topics may include a selection from the following (as negotiated with participants):

  • achieving large-scale change by improving culture one team or group at a time, attending to both thought and action
  • understanding and achieving the benefits of collaborative and flexible thought and action
  • judging when teams have the maturity and skills to benefit from and to welcome greater autonomy and shared responsibility
  • developing team and group members to assume more leadership, more effectively, within a team or group
  • as leader (informal or formal) how to take a team or group on the journey from traditional teamwork to being ready to work in more flexible and responsive (and joyful) ways
  • becoming custodian and curator of the team culture and climate; maintaining and enhancing new ways of thinking and acting, without undermining team initiative and autonomy
  • collaborative approaches to shared accountability, where team and group members willingly share more responsibility for leadership, accountability and performance
  • the community, organisational, group and team structures and cultures that encourage and support resilience, flexibility and responsiveness
  • the changes in thinking and acting needed when the complexity or uncertainty of a situation render conventional approaches ineffective
  • how to manage upwards and outwards, so that groups and teams have the resources and support they need to perform, enjoyably, at their best.

Action research and facilitative principles and processes are used to fine tune the workshop as it progresses.

There will be opportunities to plan for implementation within your own organisation and community.  Some detailed processes may also be practised.


Participants will help to determine the process and content of the workshop.  Subject to this negotiation they can anticipate an involving process which provides an integrated mix of theory, discussion and practice.  There may be small group work to help participants consolidate the skills, techniques and concepts, integrating understanding and action.

Participants may ask for pre-work to help them prepare for the workshop and obtain the most from it.  This can be particularly valuable for participants who attend as a group from one community or organisation.


The program facilitator is Bob Dick, a Brisbane-based educator, learning facilitator, consultant, mentor, and coach.  His reputation in these fields is based on over five decades of education, consulting and facilitation experience in a wide variety of settings.

Those of you who are familiar with his work will know that his style is casual and participative, his processes robust and learnable, and his documentation clear, readable and practical.  His workshops are characterised by an integration of theory and practice, with equal emphasis on the development of skills and understanding.  The processes and models he helps others learn are those which he makes use of in his own work.


The fee for the 4-webinar program is $550.00 payable in advance, or $440.00 if received 21 days in advance of the first webinar.  All prices quoted are in Australian dollars and include GST.

Cancellations will result in a 90 per cent refund if received at least 9 days before the first webinar, and a 50 per cent refund if received 48 hours before the first webinar.  Alternatively, participants who are unable to attend are welcome to substitute someone else -- for the program as a whole, or for any webinar.

A limited number of half-price bursaries may be available for those genuinely unable to pay the full fee, or other arrangements may be possible.  If you're interested in the workshop, and the fees are an obstacle, we're keen to find a way of helping you to attend.

We're keen to encourage team attendance, as it provides much better learning transfer for participants.  If you attend as a member of a team of two or more from a single community or organisation there is a further $110 discount per person.   Such groups of participants may also request a virtual session before and/or after the workshop, to plan application on the job or in the community of what they have learned.

Contact Bob Dick for further details or to discuss other possibilities.

To register

Telephone Bob at +61418 759 496 (0418 759 496) to arrange a direct bank transfer or to charge your attendance to your Visa or MasterCard. Or print out and complete the subscription form, and mail, email or fax it to Interchange, +617 3878 4338.
For security we recommend payment by direct bank transfer. For direct transfer here are the bank and account details:
   Bank: Bank of Queensland -- BSB 124-001
   Account: Interchange -- Account number 12-002534

Negotiate your own in-house workshop

Would you prefer to have a workshop specifically designed to meet your particular needs, and run for you in your own organisation or community?  If so, Interchange would be delighted to do that.  Important advantages of in-house and in-community workshops include their relevance, as we fine-tune them to your needs.  In addition, their greater ease of application to real local issues, and the opportunity to plan for transfer of learning to the community or organisation, increases value.

Interchange    37 Burbong Street  Chapel Hill  Queensland  4069    Australia
Telephone +617 3378 5365   Fax +617 3878 4338  
email bd@bigpond.net.au (cc: camilla@bigpond.net.au)

Maintained by Bob Dick.  This page last revised 2024 03 08.

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